It’s Lonely Helping Others (for a little while)

Jun 25, 2023

Do you feel like you’re running your nonprofit all by yourself?

You may be doing most of the work, the worrying and the waiting for results, but guess what?

This is absolutely normal in a nonprofit startup. It takes time to build a great network of supporters, volunteers and staff, but you will get there. In the meantime, keep doing what you are doing – and be fabulous at it! Nothing attracts great talent more than seeing passionate people making huge change. Think about it – don’t you get all excited when you hear or see some ordinary person take on the world and do something amazing? Don’t you just want to jump in and be part of it? Keep doing what you’re doing – do it with courage, conviction and passion, and before you know it, you will have a tribe of loyal fans who will help you in your awesome mission.

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